Phone shopping is too easy.

My phone is in my hand, I start thinking about my current trip to Punta Cana. I look at
Pintrest for cute outfits ideas which then has me thinking, “I don’t have that!” With the click and swoosh of my finger… The beach cover up, coral colored shorts, and a graphic muscle-T are all in my cart. Just one more button and PayPal notifies me aboutshop my purchase. “YES! That was easy! No lines, no trying on clothes ( hopefully they fit,) and I didn’t even have to take out my credit card. Oh wait, I need sandals to match.” Repeat process.

My phone is in my hand again. “Hmmm, what should I get Josh for his birthday? Oh! John Butler Trio just released “ocean” on vinyl.” Click, click,click… PayPal notification: “you just purchased JBT “ocean.”” One present down, one to go. “I think he’s a size 11. Ya those will fit.” Before I know it, there’s a pair of kiteboarding booties on their way.

At this point in time I have 6 shipments that were “just sent” according to my gmail account. Going home to all those boxes is going to feel like Christmas. Granted some of them aren’t for me but I bought them all so I get to open them all!

Long story short, the less my phone is in hand, the better.

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